Team Dumbell Man Runs to Help Stop Gun Violence
LOS ANGELES, CA, OCTOBER 4, 2009 – Members of Team Dumbell Man participated in the 1st annual Women against Gun Violence (WAGV) 10K to help raise funds and awareness for the organization.
WAGV brings attention and resources to preventing gun violence. Donations will benefit outreach programs for victims and their families. The event at California State University, Northridge commemorated the 10-Year Anniversary of the shooting at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills.
Team Dumbell Man supported The Victor y Over Violence Walk/Run Event with over $3,000 in donations. Michael Foster, co-captain of Team Dumbell Man stated, “I want to thank all my fellow co-workers, family and friends who participated and honored the memory of Jamiel Andre Shaw.”
The Dumbell Man is a leading provider of commercial exercise equipment in California and Nevada. Understanding the diverse needs of customers has led to successful business relationships for over 20 years.