Celebrating TDM Staff


TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA | MAY 1, 2015 – The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) celebrates a twenty fifth anniversary in 2015. The company also acknowledges three dedicated employees from our service department with ten plus years of employment.

The three members of “TEAM DUMBELL MAN” Service Department
with 10+ Years are;

Tracy B

Fernando L

Eduardo B

Amy Rees Anderson writing for Forbes magazine states, “… it won’t be a great product or service or technology that makes a company succeed – it is great people that make a great company. Appreciate those men and women who dedicate their time and talents each day to make your company a success, because those are the people who cannot be replaced.

Our company believes people do make a difference and we thank these three individuals for their loyalty, hard work and dedication. Their efforts make things easier for co-workers, customers and suppliers. They make each day a great experience for all of us.

For more information, please visit: www.dumbellman.com