“Team Dumbell Man” Supports NextStep Fitness

PASADENA, CA. April 22, 2017 – “TEAM DUMBELL MAN” partnered with friends from the Pasadena Police Department to support NextStep Fitness at the world famous Rose Bowl.  The first annual “STEPUP FOR NEXTSTEP” raised funds for NextStep which assists people living with paralysis and other physical disabilities.

“Team Dumbell Man” Super Trainer Steve Maresca, led a group warm up class before climbing the stadium steps.  The team then climbed 1372 stairs around the top of the Rose Bowl.

The event raised over $5,000 for NextStep.


Donations are still being accepted at:



The Dumbell Man Supports NextStep Fitness…


LAS VEGAS, NV. | OCTOBER 4, 2016 – The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) has teamed with Cybex International to support NextStep Fitness.  NextStep is a nationally recognized non-profit organization providing the opportunity for life-long health and recovery for people living with paralysis and mobility impairments in communities nationwide.

Founded in June of 2008, NextStep was the first facility on the West Coast to offer Locomotor Training in a community fitness setting. The center also uses Cybex Total Access equipment provided by The Dumbell Man.

TDM signed on to sponsor the 4th Annual “Tough Love Fitness” in Las Vegas.  At the event participants will take part in a group “cross training” exercise class which is led by Super Trainer Steve Maresca at the South Point Casino Hotel.

TDM is proud to assist facilities create “Inclusive Fitness “with Cybex Total Access equipment and provides expert facility design and selection of a variety of accessible products including cardiovascular equipment, strength equipment, upper body ergometers, recumbent steppers, rope climbers, and numerous fitness accessories

For more information on Inclusive Fitness, please visit:  www.dumbellman.com/total-access

For more information on NextStep, please visit: www.nextstepfitness.org


The Dumbell Man Supports Tough Love Fitness…


LAS VEGAS, NV. | SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 – The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) has signed on to sponsor The Las Vegas Spa Association’s 3rd Annual “Tough Love Fitness”.  At the event participants will take part in a group “cross training” exercise class which is led by Super Trainer JoAnna Papageorgiou on Sunday, October 4, 2015 at the South Point Casino Hotel.

Funds raised will benefit NextStep Fitness, a nationally recognized non-profit organization providing the opportunity for life-long health and recovery for people living with paralysis and mobility impairments in communities nationwide. Founded in June of 2008, NextStep is celebrating its seven-year anniversary and their expansion to new communities.

TDM is proud to support organizations and programs that enhance the lives individuals with physical challenges like NextStep, the USC Swim with Mike Event, and the Orange County Goodwill Fitness Center.

For more information, please visit: http://toughlove2015.mynextstep.org/


The Dumbell Man Supports Washington Middle School…


LONG BEACH, CA| SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 –  Built in 1921, the Long Beach Board of Education designated the American Avenue School as a junior high school and later that year renamed it Washington Middle School.  George Washington’s accomplishments as a successful military leader, president of the Continental Convention, and President of the United States of America made him an understandable choice for the many schools so named throughout the nation.

The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) recently donated exercise equipment to the school’s physical education department. “It’s an honor and a privilege for TEAM DUMBELL MAN to support the community” stated Tony Medina, TDM logistics director. “I’m proud of our guys for working hard to install the equipment for the kids before the fall opening date.”

The equipment donation was another opportunity for employees to participate in the TDM “doing well by doing good” campaign to support local communities.  Since 1990 TDM has supported numerous schools, charities and nonprofit organizations throughout Southern California and Nevada.

For more information, please visit: TDM Community Involvement


The Dumbell Man Supports Westcoast Sports Associates…


LOS ANGELES, CA. | AUGUST 4, 2016 – The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) has teamed with the Westcoast Sports Associates (WSA) to start an equipment donation program to facilities in need. The WSA was started in 1995 with the goal of creating a better sports environment for economically disadvantaged youths.

“Making Youth Sports Possible” has always been the mission of the nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The WSA is dedicated to giving economically disadvantaged children in Southern California the opportunity to participate in sports and has funded various community programs and activities for boys and girls with over $2.8 million in donations.

This year the WSA has partnered with TDM to supply exercise equipment to local parks and rec facilities throughout the Los Angeles area that serve the needs of teens and the community. The City of Los Angeles Slauson Multipurpose Center was the first location to receive a weight room upgrade with a treadmill, strength machines and free weights donated by TDM.

TDM is proud to support the WSA and their efforts to provide disadvantaged communities the opportunity to participate in sports, recreation and exercise programs.

For more information, please visit: http://westcoastsports.org/