Broadcom Irvine
IRVINE, CA. | January 1, 2018 – Broadcom Corporation, a FORTUNE 500® company has opened its brand-new campus at Irvine’s Great Park. The global semiconductor leader creates solutions for wired and wireless communications.
The company provides employee fitness and wellness programs at each of their locations. Irvine also includes sports courts, full-service kitchen and cafeteria, and two bridges, one of which is an all-hands gathering area for two thousand employees.
The Dumbell Man Fitness Equipment® (TDM) worked with key staff in developing a design for the fitness space, equipment selection and move in. The new facility offers separate cardio, strength and group exercise options.
TDM has now completed 5 fitness center facilities for the Irvine California based company and provides 5 Star Preventive Maintenance Service at the facility.
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